• Asunción Cueva s/n y Rio Motolo, Shell, Canton Mera, Provincia Pastaza.

The operation and maintenance of the Shell Hospital requires a great deal of coordination between the personnel that operate there and especially the Ecuadorian government.

About us?

More than 60 years ago, a group of young American missionaries arrived in the dense jungles of Ecuador. Jim Elliot and his companions put all their enthusiasm in this project, the Waorani Indians (formerly known as Auca) had to listen to the joyful and liberating message of Jesus Christ. That is why they decided to preach it, for their dedication the young people paid with their lives, but others took their place and continued with courage. Shortly thereafter, the HCJB Mission hospital in Shell was opened. In which the five martyrs had helped with the construction and later provided medical attention to the Waorani (or Huaurani) and other indigenous tribes.

Vozandes del Oriente Hospital worked for 55 years, before it closed at the end of 2013. The HCJB Radio Mission changed its priorities to another strategy to work in regions where people never heard the message of Jesus Christ. In addition, one cause of the closure was the economic deficit, but the need for personalized attention with warmth, focused on the vulnerable population and the spiritual and medical need is still there. We see ourselves as witnesses for Christ in the spirit of Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Pete Fleming, Roger Youderian, and Ed McCulley.


At FMCS, we offer comprehensive physical care, as well as emotional and spiritual health care to all communities in the region, especially vulnerable areas.


Our desire is to be the preferred healthcare center in the region for family medicine with a focus on the patient, and to show professionalism, ethics and patience.


Serving our patients and their families responsibly, giving them confidence in the care we provide through safe medical practices.

As a university hospital, we commit ourselves to a high standard along with a holistic approach of dedication, creativity and empathy.

Because we always give the best service without discrimination of any kind and tolerating diversity.

Because we identify with the needs of our patients and collaborators, aware of the importance of our mission.

Our Specialists

A united work team just for you!

Our work team

Jenny Tapia - Industrial engineering
Ela Villacís - Environmental Engineer
Lic. Lurdes Delgado - Jefa de Contabilidad
Rita Calapucha - Limpieza
Flavio Yuma
Jonathan Banchón - Electrical technician
Patricio Sánchez - Maintenance
Tatiana Viñan - Accounting

The team from the Vozandes hospital, at the closing for the HCJB mission. We are waiting for the reopening the balloons in the sky carry our hope.

In September 2013, 3 months before closing, a prayer group was formed that prayed faithfully every Wednesday for the new hospital and an Ecuadorian Foundation was formed to have the formal basis for such activity. In July 2014 the Fundación Misión Cristiana de Salud was accepted by the Ministry of Health of the state of Ecuador.

Since September 2013, every Wednesday a group of friends from the hospital meets for prayer. The goal is a new Christian hospital in Shell. This group in the beginning larger today fewer people, regularly study the Bible, pray and fast once a month until today. It is the invisible basis of all visible activity.
God hears our prayers.

Aerial view of the old hospital. We want to continue the beneficial story of the Shell mission.


We are setting new standards in the medical sector with specialists and people like you.

Modern technology

At Shell Hospital we have new technological equipment to provide better patient care.

Certified Doctors

A team of highly trained professionals to provide the care you need.

Treatment success

More and more people trust us.