Dear friends, Eckehart is now back in Germany but we have stayed in communication with the team in Ecuador. They are…
Dear friends, Eckehart had been at Shell Hospital for almost three weeks trying to mediate some controversial points between staff and…
Luz Erazo´s “Good By” after many years of being part of our Team Dear friends, New developments at Hospital Shell: …
The 15-year old girl and her mom together in the spontaneous birthday party at the Hospital Dear friends and prayers,…
Christmas celebration as a new team Dear Friends, A new year has begun and we thank all of you…
General skin infectión with high fever Dear friends, the ancient church placed Christmas in the darkest time of the year…
Still needs protection of her knee Dear Friends, October 31st is Reformation Day, a time that 500 years ago began…
Dear friends, We Wolffs have now been in Germany again for a month, and the hospital in Shell continues to work…
Dear friends, Have you ever heard of Bezalel and Aholiab? They are the first in the Jewish Bible to be…