What’s next in Shell?
The Wolffs chose this time between finishing the job and leaving the country. Our children and their families are visiting us. Traveling through the Country with a distant look at the hospital is proving to be an exciting time for us as well. Time and time again we experience the changes during the visits in Shell without being responsible for the leadership of the hospital ourselves.

Family Medicine is now truly the heart of the hospital. Since May we have with Dr. José Morales a general surgeon. Right now, with Dr. Héctor Cárdenas as a traumatologist/orthopedist added to the team and with Dr. Valdez there is also the Internal Medicine service. However, these physicians are only available for a few hours each week or are called in an emergency. This increases the hospital’s offer without fixed employment contracts. This has made the financial aspect more stable.

What is the next project? At the moment it is a guest house for short-term foreign volunteers. A team from Germany, led by our son-in-law Rico Weißbach, is starting the process of renovating an old mission house. The roof has been renovated already; now it is a total interior reconstruction and expansion with new showers and sanitary facilities. We want to especially invite foreign groups to volunteer in the future. The apartments for indigenous people of the jungle are in operation. Now foreign short-term volunteers also need a meeting place. The costs are estimated at around USD 30,000. The first money is available.
We have motivated our medical intern students for new jobs. In addition to medical training, we ask for help with their knowledge of social media. They are up to date with video messaging, image processing and are avid communicators. They will provide updated posts and images so we can share information for prayer and donations from afar.
Eckhart and Klaudia Wolff
The hospital has a good leadership team. We see them leading wisely, making changes we have never seen before, and we can rejoice and encourage them. That makes saying goodbye easy. We can experience that it is the work of God that HE put in our hearts in 2013. Thank you for keeping so many people from all over the world working on this project.
For Donations:
Lightway Medical Foundation
PO Box 8066
Fort Wayne, IN 46898
Checks can be mailed there, or you can donate through the websites.
LightwayMedical.org/donations and HospitalShell.org