- December 1, 2022
- Eckehart Wolff
- Comment: 0
Dear friends and fellow worshipers, this month we want to report something about our staff and patients, tell something from everyday life.
– The former dining room and kitchen have been renovated. The staff now uses this room as a meeting place, also for small celebrations and get-togethers. November is a celebration month for the Province of Pastaza, the founding day of Puyo and Shell.
– The work on the guest house for working visitors continues. Another donation arrived. About $ 27,000 are still missing. Thanks for all the donations!

– We should explain why plastic surgery has its place in a mission hospital. Is this about making money from rich patients? NO: It’s about reconstructive surgery. A girl from the jungle has an injured foot. The wound doesn’t heal over a long time. There is a risk of bone inflammation with the risk of losing your foot. A small skin graft helped here. The girl is now running at home in the jungle. Osteomielitis is no longer a danger.
– A child from the nationality of the Huauranis (formerly Aucas) was sent to us by missionaries living and working there. The respiratory rate was over 35 per minute on admission – the most severe pneumonia of a good one-year-old. A few days of antibiotic therapy at home in the village were unsuccessful. She reached Shell at the last moment. A hospital admission with many different therapies at the same time made her healthy again. Today the one-year-old is back home.

Our team needs your prayers. The many new specialists are important for the financial supply of the company. But not every employee, who sometimes only works on an hourly basis, actively supports the overall concept. Weekly Bible studies with staff from different departments slowly brings us together. But a growth process takes time and a lot of patience. The team also struggles with setbacks. We can accompany them.
This Christmas, we would like to give some employees a Christmas bonus. Would you help even when we give it to them in January?
Greetings to you this Christmas. And we with you a happy New Year 2023.
Eckehart & Klaudia Wolff
Donations: Lightway Medical Foundation
PO Box 8066
Fort Wayne, IN 46898
Checks can be mailed there, or you can donate through the websites. LightwayMedical.org/donations.
Hospital Shell
Asunción Cueva y Río Motolo
Shell, Pastaza, Ecuador
Website: HospitalShell.org
Phone: +593-3-2795-303