Dear friends, God Loves Surprises: The History of Israel, People’s Encounters with Jesus – One Surprise After Another. We can experience the same in our travel ministry in Germany and tell others about Shell. And HE surprises us especially when we don’t expect it. Many people are praying for Shell, some are giving and that is encouraging. In the last days many encouraging reports came from Shell. Unfortunately, the number of patients has fallen, but the team is growing together. That will be a positive testimony. The morning devotional with patients and staff back again hold in the waiting room and a special service is planned. The employees meet more outside of work to get to know each other better (sports, joint celebrations, etc.). The work relationship of some employees’ changes. We are excited for the result. Because only a united and motivated team is also a testimony to the outside world. That is the secret of a mission hospital. Let us be surprised! The international guest house: The floor and the showers/toilets are currently being tiled. The rooms on the upper floor are partitioned. The doors/electrics and then the the dining room. It’s progressing and that spurs on. Funding is still lacking for the facility.

We have been entrusted with funds and hope to pay off a small part of the remaining debt of currently $100,000 for the mortgage shortly. God is great! We were given a used but working surgery table. The old table was constantly in the workshop and the repair lasted maybe a month.
Here another medical case from the jungle. Carlos, 22 years old, gets a job building a cement house, an employment contract for a few days – hard work, maybe without gloves in the cement. The work is so hard that he gets infected blisters on the palms of his hands. The inflammation spreads. Such a person does not need to be hospitalized. He can stay in the indigenous shelter and receives his daily intravenous therapy + dressing change. His hands were in danger. And there is further hope: In November 2023, a recently married couple is also planning to come from Germany as missionaries, he a pilot, she a medical assistant (a new medical training, similar to a nurse). It would be a great help and encouragement. In addition to the hospital work on long term their goal is working inside the jungle.

And the long-awaited Morse family from the USA has been accepted by a Missionary Society in the USA. Now the task is some courses and to find enough support for the family of five. They plan to move to Shell in summer 2024. When some failure oppresses us, God surprises us. As described in the June letter, this reassures us that Hospital Shell is His work and has a future. So much for the monthly report in July 2023. Thank you for all your support. THE SHELL TEAM Eckehart & Klaudia Wolff and Jessica Morse for the English version [email protected][email protected]Donations: Lightway Medical FoundationPO Box 8066 Fort Wayne, IN 46898 Checks can be mailed there, or you can donate through the websites. LightwayMedical.org/donations.HospitalShell.org

Invitación for a spiritual staff meeting