Dear friends According to the Bible, Abraham had about 10 encounters with God in his life where he was guided and was able to regain his trust. Our Shell Hospital also needed several assurances from God that the way is right and needs corrections here and there. After many personnel changes, the organization is stable. We have an almost new medical team. The laboratory is much smaller, emergencies at night are only rarely treated. This saves personnel expenses. Now it’s time to rebuild the team. The spiritual component has receded into the background. Most of the new employees are not committed Christians but were simply looking for a job. History has been forgotten in the consciousness of the employees. That should change now. The most important change is resuming the morning prayers of the staff with the patients. However, there is still a long way to go before everyone in the team can really talk about her/his personal beliefs. Regular Bible studies are planned in the different departments. The team is once again having social meetings to encourage community. For this purpose, the newcomers should be taught and brought into a story that begins with the 5 martyrs among the Huaoranis in 1956 – via the Hospital Vozandes del Oriente as a wooden building on stilts, the new building in 1985, the closure in 2013 and the reopening in 2015 through the new Foundation, the years of renovation, outside help… In Latin America, history is quickly forgotten. Here the work of God can come alive in everyday work.

We are grateful for the further expansion of the international guest house. The construction is going to be finished on the first-floor rooms. The lounge still needs tiles, as does the bathhouse. More effort is needed for this.
The collapse of a sewage pipe showed that the sewage systems had to be changed. The hospital administration has applied for the separation of the sewage systems from the housing sewage system. The sewage treatment for the hospital needs further donations. We’re still looking for the remaining land payments. Shell Hospital is therefore still dependent on your help. Thanks! A 14-year-old boy from the jungle lost his mother 3 years ago and is suffering at the hands of his “new” mother. He complained of abdominal pain and has been losing weight. It’s chronic appendicitis. The CT finally confirmed the diagnosis: tuberculosis. He has not undergone surgery but is now hospitalized with long term drug therapy. The diagnosis wasn’t easy. And it’s also about addressing the boy’s family situation.

There are medical missions in jungle villages again. In cooperation with Compassion International, a team from Shell undertook the annual examination of the children in care, an important experience especially for our medical students in their internship.

One year after the departure of the founders, Shell Hospital is still in the process of re-establishing itself. The staff there need your prayers, especially for unity. There is a danger of group formation and the spiritual aspect needs to grow in the team. As with Abraham, Shell Hospital needs God encounters and correction. The course has been set for this. Now we are waiting for the results. Only in an atmosphere of love and trust is the hospital a real testimony. We are looking forward to the results and know that you support this path by prayers. Thanks for that!!! THE SHELL TEAM Eckehart & Klaudia Wolff and Jessica Morse for the English version Donations: Lightway Medical FoundationPO Box 8066 Fort Wayne, IN 46898 Checks can be mailed there, or you can donate through the websites. LightwayMedical.org/donations.HospitalShell.org