The spotlights are focused elsewhere:
The Ukraine war is the most important current topic. The TV and cell phone pictures go around the world, even if the real news is getting harder
and harder. What is fake and what is truth?

Reports from Shell are less important, even if we feel differently. As a team, we are realizing more and more how surgical, orthopedic, diabetic problems and family difficulties belong together. It is a blessing that we can help each other in the medical team every morning. That’s why Medicina Familiar is more than just “general”. There is the chronic back pain as result of childhood rape, indigenous people and their family backgrounds, schizophrenics who also often a family illness. Even hormonal imbalances of various kinds are important. When the Bible speaks of driving out demons, it certainly also means liberations where Jesus and later the apostles brought “liberation”. As leaders, we currently have the feeling that our team is only at the beginning of a development. And should our time end there?

But our time must end. We are finishing in May and many employees are afraid because the future is not entirely certain. How does the new
management deal with them? Is the working atmosphere getting colder? Only a few days ago we received the annual permit as a day clinic from the Ministry of Health, a joint effort! In the near future we want to be promoted to the base hospital. Therefore, further effort is required.
– The hostel for indigenous people will be inaugurated in a week with Indigenous representatives. A work assignment by a group from Germany with our son-in-law Rico did a good job.
– We should continue to pay off the purchase of land and houses. USD 200,000 are still missing.
– The renovation continues. The Ministry of Health is demanding construction changes that do not seem to make much sense, but are necessary according to their specifications.
– The laparoscopy facility from Germany was a huge gift. But parts were missing or defective.
– New doctors will come, but will patients be able to pay the higher price?
– The increasing number of endoscopies is a pleasure, also thanks to the “new” colonoscopes from Wiesbaden.
Comparing to the war in Ukraine, our worries are minor. Nevertheless, we ask for prayer and support on our way. One must not exclude the
other. Thanks for all connection.
Eckehart & Klaudia Wolff
The mailing address is:
Lightway Medical Foundation
PO Box 8066
Fort Wayne, IN 46898
Checks can be mailed there, or you can donate through the websites.