• Asunción Cueva s/n y Rio Motolo, Shell, Canton Mera, Provincia Pastaza.

Information Letter – May 2024

Dear friends, Eckehart is now back in Germany but we have stayed in communication with the team in Ecuador.  They are growing together and a spirit of joy predominates.  However, changes still must be made slowly.  Ing. Ela Villacis and Dra. Aslin Santos have compiled a list of new initiatives.  Here are some highlights that they hope to implement in the next few months:

Accounting is trying to track expenses more carefully to help make certain areas of the hospital more profitable, such as the pharmacy and laboratory.  They are working on systems to be able to track data more quickly.

Dr. Bezemer with his hernia patient

Our next big goal for this year is finishing the international guesthouse.  When this is completed, we will be able to accommodate up to 27 more volunteers at a time.  The toilets and showers are finished. The doors are currently being installed, but the most important thing is the windows.  The dirt markings on the walls are evidence of bats inhabiting the building at night.  We also need the beds, the furniture in the meeting room, all the kitchen and laundry room equipment, dishes, etc.  The total costs are likely to be around USD 20,000. 

Why this effort?  Our son-in-law, Rico

Weißbach, usually visits Ecuador three times a year with work crews from Germany.  (www.lewilife.com)  The roof will soon have to be sealed in some places, a perfect job for young and committed visitors, but where should they be accommodated?  In addition, universities in North America want to send medical students in groups to gain practical experience in another country.  These groups also need a place to stay.  Shell Hospital is already an international meeting place. The Church of Christ is international!!! 

We have also been praying for new missionaries for years.   It seems increasingly difficult to find people who want to commit to the many years required to learn the language and culture, send their children to local schools and prepare for the many hurdles of professional recognition and licensure in another country.  We are on the lookout for employees with long-term prospects.  God must call them as he did us. 

Poisonous snakes near by the houses

Everyday life in Shell continues.  A patient with vision problems came to us for assistance.  We had the finances to help her get treatment with an ophthalmologist, but unfortunately, she presented too late for corrective surgery.  However, she returned later because of a very painful hernia, which was quickly and successfully repaired.  We are grateful for such opportunities to help. 

The jungle still exists on the edge of Shell.  Here is a poisonous snake that was found while clearing weeds near the houses. 

We are pleased that we were able to hand over further responsibility to the nationals. The local team makes decisions and we can ask questions and provide corrective assistance.  We continue to ask for donations, this time with the greatest priority being the international guesthouse. 

United in the Lord, 

The Shell Team

 Eckehart & Klaudia Wolff

Donations: Lightway Medical Foundation

PO Box 8066                                                                                                   Fort Wayne, IN 46898

Checks can be mailed there, or you can donate through the websites.  LightwayMedical.org/donations.  


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