Dear Friends,
November can feel dark and dreary to many who live in the north. Sometimes we feel the same in Shell.
It seems that we have lost our pediatric surgeon for the disabled kids. We worked together for years, the last time in June of this year. Now, without any type of disagreement, he is not responding to our calls or messages. Currently there are about 50 children who need surgery. It looks like he wants his own business in Quito and no contact with me or the hospital in Shell.
We continue to ask for your prayers concerning the laparoscopic equipment, promised from the company in Germany since January of this year and still not on the way to Ecuador. A national company has promised to help import it, but they seem to have little interest in doing so.
Our hospital continues to grow slowly. The Family Practice area is stable and more or less pays the salary of the employees. But we need more income for renovation and to make the payments for the property.
Our medical staff is learning more and more that we need to work together to deal with the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our patients. Diabetic patients need to change their lifestyles. Family problems, unforgiven issues at work or with neighbors cause physical damage like back pain. Every morning the physician rounds are an adventure. We are learning so much. This is what I call a missionary team.

We are working on a strategic plan for our “Company”. Indigenous patients from the jungle very often have some money to pay bills. But there are a number of them who have left the jungle and are living around Shell in small huts. They have no land for producing food, and no clean water. Crime, stealing and drugs are the consequences. They can’t find jobs for income and are the poorest in health issues. In the state hospitals they are treated poorly and we need a plan to treat them as well. We have had some outreach to them, but is not enough.
We are working together with Voice and Hands (Reach Beyond) in doing Caravans in the jungle area. Gospel and Medicine combined are our services.
November in Shell is a month full of festivities. Puyo, the Pastaza province and Shell have their special days. November is the month with fewer work days. Our hospital is still open. Our staff works on those days as well.
The current project we are working on is to finish the hospital renovation: Oxygen supply and suction in each patients room will complete this step. Another maintenance team is working on the renovation of the “casitas.” New roofing and total renovation of the electrical and water supply have to be done by early January to provide housing for families of patients from the jungle.
And we have hope for new missionaries from the US. Stephen and Jessica Morse visited us a few days ago and are praying about joining the team as Family Practice physicians by the end of next year. Please pray for them and a clear call from God for the Shell Hospital. We need new staff with a spiritual vision.
Thanks for your help in prayer and donations. God is good although sometimes the future of the Shell Hospital looks different and obstacles seem to be more important. But we know we are on the right path.
God bless you!!!!
Eckehart & Klaudia Wolff
You can send your tax deductible US contributions to Lightway Medical Foundation at the address below. As of right now, 100% of your contribution will be given to efforts here in Shell. There is NO administration fee because of the volunteer service of those running Lightway.
Contributions can be sent to:
Lightway Medical Foundation
PO Box 31
Hollis Center, ME 04042